Contact network

Explore the interests your partners hold in other businesses. With Credit Online’s Contact Network module you can get an overview of more complex business combinations.

Protect your business from unwanted relationships.

When working on new business deals, you might come into contact with companies whose backgrounds are unknown, even if it’s unintentional.

Contact network Credit Online

These entities may have risky backgrounds, meaning you would otherwise not want to do business with them. Security is significantly increased if the companies that are in the background are vetted in advance.

Credit Online's Contact Network module offers a solution in this area.

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Analyse the risk characteristics of related companies.

With Credit Online, you can not only review the relationships between companies and company managers, but the system also provides information about the identity of the ownership group and the risk indicators of business entities.

Ownership Credit Online

With the help of Credit Online, even complex networks of relationships can be simplified.

  • You can screen the network of existing or future customers, allowing you to detect risks arising from indirect relationships either before negotiations have started or while business cooperation is ongoing.

  • You can review the up-to-date financial situation of related companies, as well as any closed or ongoing authority procedures affecting them, from official sources.

  • Information available on the platform is easy to interpret, and an intelligent filter function and configuration option helps you process it.

Explore the interests of your partners and competitors.

In addition to making new business deals safer, you can use the Contact Network module to analyse your existing business partners or even your competitors.

Continuous maintenance of strategic relationships is key to business stability. You can make the everyday operations of your business even more secure by periodically ensuring that everything is in order in the corporate networks behind your partners. If you want to get an even clearer picture of the market situation affecting your industry, you can check the background of your competitors.

Learn about the Credit Online Contact Network module.

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